Category: Daily Life

  • Another day done

    Another day done, time to see how I can do at some Yahoo Pool. Been going down in my ranking lately, got up to over 1300 and getting close to 1400 the other day but now back to the mid 12’s, oh well. Supposed to get up to 19 degrees by which means that tomorrow…

  • Clear Nights

    Another beautiful day in Vancouver with the sun poking out everywhere and the earth warming up the bulbs in our yard. Right now there are some *huge* crimson tulips blooming along with all the tree buds expanding hourly. I expect to see a lot of people out enjoying the sunshine like myself, time to get…

  • On the way to Welfare

    On the way to the welfare office for the first time in five years, the last bit of change in my pocket jingling. A small line awaits the attention of workers behind bulletproof glass. I take my place behind a young man explaining why he can’t work, and why does he need a doctor to…