Category: Golf Zen

  • Aha Moment

    Keep your head against the imaginary wall throughout the swing to the place where the club is pointing at the target. It was amazing how well this thought while swinging helped. Now it feels natural to not look up from where the ball was until the follow through gets to about parallel to the ground. Also…

  • Fractions

    Tiny teeny little increments of knowledge – it makes the game hard but so much fun also. Lesson learned today, (I hope lol), is the angle of the dangle – am talking backbone/spine; makes all the difference in the world combined with those other miniscule adjustments to the backswing and follow through.

  • Golf Can Be Difficult

    Sometimes when you think you’re trying your ultimate level best, the worst results come. Doesn’t stop a golfer from playing, makes for a score card that more accurately reflects one’s handicap though. Need an emoji for the word chagrin, know I’m a better athlete than my display today but golf is a game when I’m…