Category: Politics

  • It’s the Oil, stupid

       The revelation that Bush held back the news for twelve days that North Korea has been actively pursuing a nuclear program shows that they are caught in a tangled web of lies. All along, the “Axis of Evil” has included Iran and North Korea as well as Iraq, with only the latter claiming not to…

  • War marketing

       The American president just doesn’t seem to get it. He appears to be so focused on having a war, that it’s unlikely that anything is going to stop him. While not a doomsayer myself, even the best outcomes of an attack on Saddam Hussein are not very good. The Arab world is freaking out about…

  • It’s the oil stupid

       The American president just doesn’t seem to get it. He appears to be so focused on having a war, that it’s unlikely that anything is going to stop him. While not a doomsayer myself, even the best outcomes of an attack on Saddam Hussein are not very good. The Arab world is freaking out about…