Category: Uncategorized

  • Employment 2.0

    Read the daily WTF all the time for the excellent examples of oddball code, and every once in a while there is something completely different like this article by Alex Papadimoulis. It’s a little something he’s called “employment 2.0“, rather aptly named methinks.

  • Not Funny Anymore

    The hilarious comedian, Margaret Cho, is on The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos to discuss her vagina, her career, and her newest stand up tour, ‘Beautiful.’ Six minutes in GS asks about the wealth of political comedy material available right now, and like a couple of my brothers visiting from the states last year they felt…

  • Bang The Drum For War

    They are really banging the drum hard down south to have another war on tap, this time with Iran. All the same half truths and lies are being trotted out and like the Iraq lies about Nigerian yellowcake for example, easy enough to discredit in time. Some of them don’t need discrediting as with Iraq,…